Calendar Changes: Winter Break Day & BHM Assembly

Please note that a Winter Break Day was scheduled for Friday, February 28, 2025. Since this is the weekend of our Spring Open House (Sunday, March 2), Winter Break has been moved to Monday, March 10, 2025. The Black History Month Assembly is moved to Friday, February 28, 2025. This allows for a day in between our Mental Wellbeing Student Assembly and this assembly. We appreciate your support with the complex schedule during this week as we know the value each brings to our students!

Advancement Special Events Volunteer Opportunities 2024-25

Maroon & Gold Raffle

The 2024 Maroon & Gold Raffle family fundraiser is right around the corner. We are looking for adult helpers to prep the materials and other various duties for this all-school fundraiser. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here. Thank you for your consideration!

Marlin Powderpuff Flag Football Game Class of 2025

Don't miss the Class of 2025 as they take on St. Catherine in the 2nd Annual Powderpuff Flag Football game Friday, October 25 at 7pm at The Hawk. Seniors were emailed player team info and practice details.

Mercy Day 2024 & Grandparent Mass

Strangers No Longer Mass & Pilgrimage to Celebrate World Day of Migrants & Refugees

2024 Student Liturgical Ministry Training

One of the things that makes our All School Liturgies so special is that they are completely student led. We would like to invite our Mercy students to consider getting involved in various Liturgical Ministries during Mass. Please view the following training times and info for Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors.

Altar Server

Tuesday, September 10 at 2:45pm in the Chapel

Eucharistic Minister

2024 Michigan Volleyball Classic


Juniors & Seniors: Upcoming College Visits at Mercy

September and October are "College Months" at Mercy where colleges and universities will be visiting the school to share information with interested students. We have many schools already scheduled to visit and your participation is highly encouraged!

ATTENTION MERCY FAMILIES - SchoolMessenger Text Broadcast System

SMS Text "Yes" Opt-in to 67587

Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.
