Mercy High School Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Mercy High School is committed to ensuring all students experience an education that reflects the Mercy Core Values of Compelled By Mercy; Educational Courage; Inspired By Faith; Principled Leadership; A Voice For Dignity and Respect in an environment free of racism and social injustices. Every Mercy girl should feel welcome and that Mercy is her home.

By Clare Jones '21

Mercy High School’s stance on racism is rooted in Catholic faith, Christian tradition, and the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we learn that “equality rests essentially on dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: ”Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design.”

The United States Council on Catholic Bishops clearly states: Racism is a sin: a sin that divides the human family, blots out the image of God among specific members of that family, and violates the fundamental human dignity of those called to be children of the same Father. Furthermore, Archbishop Vigneron states in his Pastoral Note on Racism that: "as with all sin there is a self-inflicted harm. The perpetrator of racial prejudice disfigures his own understanding of right and wrong and obscures his ability to see truth through the light of the Gospel."
At Mercy High School, a faith and Gospel-based institution, we work to recognize and dismantle racism to become an anti-racist, multicultural community. Mercy High School is committed to establishing and sustaining an equitable, fair, and just community that ensures student wellness, safety, and educational success regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or zip code. Mercy High School rejects all forms of racism as destructive to its mission, vision, values, and goals. Racism will not be tolerated on the school campus, physical and online communities. We recognize that every person is a child of God and that trust, understanding, dialogue, and mutual respect lie at the heart of our community. Along with Pope Francis, we believe that Mercy will change the world as we strive to see one another as Christ sees us.


After completing our 2022-2023 strategic planning process, it became clear that cultivating belonging is a key component of my role as well as an essential tenet of our community. As a Mercy school, we are committed to “standing up for those who can't, we go beyond acceptance to help make sure everyone feels recognized and heard.” The Sisters of Mercy are committed to creating a “spirit of hospitality.” Our charge is to create a welcoming space for all who come through our doors. Inclusion is the efforts and behaviors fostered by Mercy High School and the people in it to be a welcoming place. Belonging is how students, staff, and faculty feel as a result of our efforts. Our goal is for the work in diversity, equity, and inclusion, to result in belonging.

Mercy CORE (Council on Racial Equity)

CORE Mission: The Council’s mission is to build awareness, solutions and leadership for anti-racist, anti-biased structures, policies and practices at Mercy High School. We will work with the school and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer to identify systemic racism within the community, analyze the specific barriers to change, and dismantle the structures within the institution that perpetuate racism.

CORE Vision: We imagine a future without systemic racism that empowers all members of the Mercy community to maximize their individual potential in an inclusive, anti-racist and anti-oppressive environment.

CORE Members & Subcommittees

Mercy DEIB Giving Circle
You are a vital member of the Mercy community and, with your help, we can create a place for our young women to thrive. You are invited to join us as we strive to create a More Just Mercy. 
What is the DEIB Giving Circle?
Members of the Mercy community who have chosen to come together and give their financial support to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at Mercy High School. 
What is the Impact of the Mercy Giving Circle?
In addition to supporting the collective mission and objectives of the Diversity, Equality, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Director, Board Task Force, and Mercy CORE, the DEIB Giving Circle supports:
  • 2023 Mercy High School  Historically Black College and University Tour
  • Mercy Chapter of Pretty Brown Girl (24 members)
  • Parent DEIB Training
  • Staff DEIB Training
  • Stipends/travel for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging speakers
  • Virtual/in person community building engagement opportunities
How Can I Participate?
The DEIB Giving Circle is open to anyone who makes a gift or one year pledge of $250 or more, and designates their gift for DEIB purposes at the school. This is an annual renewable opportunity and, with the support of at least 125 Mercy community members, all areas of impact listed above can be achieved.
How Will Members Be Involved?
The Giving Circle will meet in the Spring of 2021 to receive an update on membership, fund total and fund distribution.

Mercy High School Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
