Beginning in March, Counselors will meet with students individually to discuss and confirm course selections for the next school year. Students will be assigned a specific appointment time. Registration directions for each class will be posted second semester.


Mercy High School is a college preparatory school and thus strongly suggests that students plan their course of studies carefully. A total of 24 credits and 8 semesters of full enrollment (6 classes per semester) are required for graduation. One semester course earns .5 credit. A single course may not be used to fulfill a dual credit.

These 24 credits include:

  • 4 credits English
  • 3 credits Social Studies include:
Two semesters of World History
One semester of American Government
Two semesters of American History
One semester of Economics
  • 4 credits Mathematics include:
Two semesters of Algebra I
Two semesters of Geometry
Two semesters of Algebra II  
Two semesters of Additional Math or Math-Related Elective (one semester senior year)
  • 3 credits Laboratory Science include:
Two semesters of Biology
Two semesters of Chemistry or Physics
  • 2 credits of one World Language
  • 3.5 credits Religious Studies
  • 1 credit Visual, Performing and Applied Arts
  •  .5 credit iExplore (Classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026)
  •  .5 credit Speech
  •  .5 credit Physical Education/Swim
  •  .5 credit Health
  •  1.5 credits Electives (2 credits Electives beginning Class of 2027)


All students must participate in community service. Beginning with the Class of 2028, the Mercy Faith In Action program will provide service opportunities of personal interest that are reflective of our faith, Mercy Critical Concerns, Core Values and Mission so students may be better inspired to be a beacon of Christ’s love for others. Learn more at mhsmi.org/service-program.

Hear from current and former students who discuss the benefits of a Mercy education and the excellence of the Science Department!