CONGRATULATIONS to these talented and accomplished Marlin College Bound Athletes! WOW, this makes a total of 19 for the Class of 2021.
Lila Bidoul: Pompon, Michigan State University
Alexis Roberts: Basketball, Florida A&M University
Samantha Szelag: Rowing, Michigan State University
Adrianna Tartaglia: Soccer, Adrian College
Ellie Tisko: Volleyball, Sacramento State
Cotter Welch: Swimming, Butler University
Lexi Zydeck: Figure Skating, Michigan State University
THANK YOU for supporting the 2021 Maroon & Gold Raffle - Pay It Forward Family Fundraiser and helping to raise over $160,000!
Please note there is NO SCHOOL this Friday, May 14 and Friday, May 21 due to reaching all of our incentive goals during the raffle. 

Mercy High School Performing Arts Department Presents

The Mercy Performing Arts Department presents "The Songs of Spring - A concert celebrating the hope and renewal of spring." Featuring Mercy Orchestra, Glee, The Mercyaires and select soloists. The concert is free to attend.
Tuesday, May 11
Mercy Auditorium

Spring 2021 Music Showcase

Check out the Mercy Performing Arts Facebook page (@MHSMIPerformingArts) for a series of recorded performances showcasing the musical talent of Mercy students. 

Click here to enjoy senior pianist Olivia Haass with "Incognito" by Jason Stafford.

Peer 2 Peer 2021 Assembly

Thank you to Mercy Peer 2 Peer for putting together an amazing all-school assembly on April 23 which addressed a variety of mental health topics and featured guest speaker Clinical Psychologist, Judy Malinwoski. Ms. Malinwoski shared insight, answered questions about common issues for high school students, offered tips and resources for exploring healthy perspectives.

We are proud to announce and congratulate the Mercy 2021 Teacher of the Year MR. CHRIS JANUSCH!

Mr. Janusch is our computer science, math, and technology superhero!

Here are some comments about Mr. Janusch:

He is incredibly patient, not only when it comes to questions about the material, but also when it comes to helping staff and students with tech issues (especially over the last year)!

Maroon & Gold Raffle Update
We're not done yet! There is still time to turn in your tickets and money for the Maroon & Gold Raffle! Please note goal dates have been extended due to remote learning this week. Let's go Mercy, we need EVERYONE'S participation!

All-State Honorable Mention Basketball 2021

Way to go Mercy Marlin basketball players Alexis Roberts '21 and Ellie Tisko '21 who were selected as Michigan Associated Press Division 1 All-State Honorable Mention! 

Oakland Press article here.
