BOOK PURCHASING - Now that student schedules are available in Powerschool, please visit the Book Purchasing web page for information on obtaining books for 2014 - 2015 school year. Here are information and links to respective book purchasing options: Mercy Master Book List - MMBL is live reference resource and Follet Virtual Bookstore - Order books online, FVB contains new and used books
BUS TRANSPORTATION – Bus routes have been finalized and schedules will be emailed in August for students who signed up for semester or year passes using Mercy bus transportation. Service will begin on August 18th. The schedule is available online at:
Anyone wishing to use the Mercy busses who has NOT yet signed up should contact the transportation office immediately at 248-476-8020 ext. 1510 or to inquire about signing up for an existing route. Farmington residents who wish to use the Farmington bus system must fill out a transportation request form available at:
CALENDAR –The school life calendar is accessible from the website.
HANDBOOK – COMING SOON! The Student Handbook will be posted on the school website in August.
LOCKS FOR LOCKERS – New students will be assigned lockers and be given a lock on orientation day. The same lock will be used each year.
PE CLASSES – For the safety and protection of the students, the Physical Education Department requires all students, grades 9–12, who are taking swim or gym classes, to have a current physical – performed and dated by a medical professional on or after April 15, 2014 – on file.
PHYSICALS – All new students to Mercy, grades 9 – 12, must have a current physical – performed and dated by a medical professional on or after April 15, 2014 – on file. The required form is available at or click here for more school physical info.
UNIFORMS – Orders that parents arrange to be shipped will be sent directly to your home. The retail store for Risse Brothers School Uniforms is located at 30860 Southfield Rd., Southfield, MI 48076 (SE corner of 13 Mile Rd.) Phone: (248) 723-9935 Call them directly if you have any questions or visit the store to purchase items.
Athletic tryout information, the MHSAA physical form, and the Mercy Athletic Forms are available online at: Questions regarding athletics can be emailed to Kate Scalzi at:
Important: Any student planning on participating in a fall sport must register on Monday, August 11th in the gym between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. or have all forms on file with the Athletic Office.
You will need to have your current and complete MHSAA physical – performed and dated by a medical professional on or after April 15, 2014 – and Mercy Athletic Forms on file with the Athletic Office to participate in any sport.