From the Mercy Director of Advancement
"No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than the careful education of women." ~ The Venerable Catherine McAuley
Since 1945, Mercy High School has remained true to the vision of the Sisters of Mercy by providing a high quality education to young women of all means and backgrounds. A Mercy student finds her voice, learns to lead, and deepens her faith. 
Through the teaching of the Mercy values of service, justice, mercy, human dignity, and option for the poor, we instill a tradition of giving back in our students. A donation to Mercy High School ensures the legacy of educating women who make a difference. Our students go on to make an impact in their communities and the world. 
The Advancement Office strives to engage Mercy alumnae, parents, grandparents and friends to enhance and create opportunities for our students. Sharing the success stories of current students and Mercy graduates showcases how young women are living the mission and vision of the school. 
We invite you to participate by donating your time, talents and resources. Together, we can build a bright future for our students of today and future generations of Mercy women. 
Maureen Stirling Duncan ’96

Meet the Team

The Advancement and Marketing Department at Mercy High School is a dedicated team of people all working to increase the financial growth and vitality of the school. Contact the Advancement Office at advancement@mhsmi.org or 248-476-8922.

President of Mercy High School
Director of Advancement
Director of Communications
Director of Alumnae Relations

Executive Director of Mission Advancement
Special Events
Advancement Assistant & Marlin Shop
Assistant to the President
Database Management


Prayer for Benefactors

Provident God, pour out your blessings on our benefactors. Their goodness has encouraged us; their gifts have enhanced our efforts to recreate your merciful presence in our world. In gratitude, we ask you to reward them with signs of your generous love and, when their lives on earth are over, to welcome them to your heavenly banquet. Amen.

- Praying in the spirit of Catherine McAuley, by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.