Lea Caldwell '21 on Local 4 News!
Click here to watch Lea Caldwell '21 featured on Local 4 Rhonda's Bragbook segment recognizing her for outstanding leadership and community service!
Mercy holds off Northern, pounds Clarkston to win first regional since 2016 title team
The Oakland Press - MATTHEW B. MOWERY - For MediaNews Group
WHITE LAKE — Momentum is never so fleeting that it can’t be regained in the snap of your fingers.
But it’s better if you don’t give it up in the first place.
We are proud to announce the following students achieved Honor Roll status for the Spring 2021 Second Semester at Mercy High School.
Quiz Bowl Nationals 2021
Over Memorial Day weekend, Mercy Quiz Bowl competed in the NAQT High School National Championship Tournament. Only the top 15% of teams are invited to this tournament, and Mercy was one of 10 Michigan schools that qualified.
Mercy first qualified for the HSNCT in 2020, but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. The team worked very hard to qualify again, and so 2021 was the first year Mercy was able to compete in this tournament.