This year the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas will focus on the Beatitudes throughout their Lenten journey. Our Mercy Education community was invited to share participation in a variety of ways.
Spiritual Reflections
The Sisters of Mercy blog will feature reflections on the Beatitudes and offer ways in which we can bring these blessings to life in our own Lenten journey. Reflection for Ash Wednesday: "The Slow Journey Towards the Future" by Sister Theresa Lowe Ching.
Share Your Photos to Inspire Others
How do you engage in living/witnessing the spirit of the Beatitudes today? Please send submissions to jhearle@mhsmi.org. We will share the submissions throughout the Lenten season with MESA.
Mercy Meatless Mondays
Lenten customs often help us to see more clearly the message of Jesus and focus on the needs of others and our world. Our spiritual focus on the Beatitudes can be heightened through participation in Mercy Meatless Mondays, an effort to reduce the consumption of meat in the Lenten season as a way to care for creation. The Mercy Meatless Mondays guide features recipes submitted by members of the Mercy community and includes space to reflect on how these recipes can be mindfully prepared.