Course Registration 2019-2020
As the registration process for the 2019-2020 is here, we wish to inform you of some important related dates and procedures.
9th, 10th, 11th grade students attended all-class presentations explaining the course selection and registration process. Each student received a packet including Registration Instructions, a Course Selection Form, and her Individual Registration Appointment information.
9th, 10th, 11th grade students are expected to complete the following by March 4th:
- Submit course selection via *Powerschool.
- Turn-in completed and signed by a parent Registration Form to Adviser.
Each 9th, 10th, & 11th grade student will have an individual appointment day and time scheduled with her Counselor.
- Appointments are 15 minutes long and will be scheduled March 5th through April 5th during the school day.
- This time is used for Counselors to guide students in making appropriate course choices and ensure progression toward graduation.
Please note: *In order for students to have access to online registration through PowerSchool, our customization to access a report card is currently turned off. Once registration is complete, the report card feature will return. Please contact Colleen McMaster if you need a copy of your daughter's report card during that time.
AP Course Meetings
Students interested in AP Courses for the 2019-20 school year will be required to attend an informational meeting with the AP Course teacher. At this meeting, students will learn about the expectations and rigor of the course, to help guide their decision. AP sessions will be held during Adviser Group time:
AP English: Monday, March 4
AP Science: Tuesday, March 5 (AP Biology, AP Chem, AP Physics)
AP Social Studies: Friday, March 8 (AP US History, AP Government, AP World History)
New This Year - AP Computer Science Principles: Monday, March 11
AP Calculus will arrange a time to speak in current Honors Pre-Calculus classes
AP Languages will arrange a time to speak in all current 3rd level language classes
AP Art will meet with interested students individually