Mercy Parents and Students:
Now that student schedules are available in Powerschool, please visit the Book Purchasing web page for information on obtaining books for 2014 - 2015 school year.
Here are information and links to respective book purchasing options:
- Mercy Master Book List - MMBL is live reference resource
- Follet Virtual Bookstore - Order books online, FVB contains new and used books
- Used Book Sale Day - August 6, 9a - 12p
- Used Book Sale List
You’ll notice your daughter’s schedule is very minimal compared to what’s contained on the MMBL. Since departments are not listed on her schedule, for example World History, on the MMBL, scroll to Social Studies, the course number, course name, and then teacher. The rest of the course info with the specific book ISBN and Teacher Comments are to direct or assist in your daughter’s book purchasing. If there’s a digital book option listed, that’s for you to discuss and select what would work best for her. Some students choose both, digital & hardbound text, that’s why an ISBN is listed. There are no books needed for Art or Performing Arts, and where specifically stated on the MMBL.
We partner with Follett offering parents book purchasing ease and convenience. If you want to purchase your daughter’s books using Follett’s Virtual Bookstores (FVB), the link is provided both on the MMBL page as well on Mercy’s website under Book Purchasing. Directions on ordering textbooks from Follett, can be found here. Follett offers free shipping on book orders during 8/1 - 8/15. Books that are backordered are also included.
If you’ve encountered a book problem that you can’t seem to resolve, please email the appropriate Dept. Chair listed at the bottom of the Book Purchasing webpage. Thank you!