2020 Virtual Tea for Tuition
The Alumnae Association gathers for a springtime tea to ensure bright futures for Mercy girls by raising money for tuition assistance. Thank you to everyone who participated in our Special Edition Virtual Tea for Tuition! Many of you viewed and shared the heartwarming video featuring student and alumna testimonials and Mercy memories. We saw classmates having tea, chatting and reminiscing on Facebook and we received contributions made online to the Tuition Assistance Fund. It was an afternoon filled with Mercy love.
We are pleased to announce that we have surpassed our $38,000 for a total of $41,027.41. This qualified us for the Wheeler Foundation grant of $5,000 which we also will receive! This takes our grand total to $46,027.41!
Whether you shared the video link, participated in the Classmate Challenge or prayed for us during this time, on behalf of the Mercy High School Alumnae Board, Thank You! It is only through tuition assistance that many students are able to attend Mercy High School. We sincerely appreciate your thoughts, prayers and financial support during this challenging time.
If you missed our Special Edition Tea for Tuition video premiere, please enjoy and view online here:
Your generosity is what allows our Mercy girls the educational advantage they receive with only the help of extra funding. Each year, the Alumnae Association awards over $30,000 in funds to support students in need of financial assistance. It is our mission to pay a Mercy education forward, to continue to educate women who make a difference.We thank the Wheeler Family Foundation, Inc. for their faithful support of Mercy High School through these matching gift funds!
Once again, many thanks for all your efforts in helping to continue the education of young Mercy women who make a difference.
"No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than the careful instruction of women." ~ The Venerable Catherine McAuley, Founder of the Sisters of Mercy