Mercy Life Page Title

Class of 2025


Senior Class families are asked to stay connected to email. Please note this webpage will be continually updated with important dates, details and information.


Senior Survey

All seniors are required to complete the Senior Exit Survey here with their Mercy email address. Survey must be completed in order to receive your graduation tickets from Mrs. Vallone. The deadline to have it completed is Monday, May 5. Contact Mrs. Tosha Willis with any questions.

Graduation Gown Approval

In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, every student must have her white graduation gown approved by Dr. Kreger or her assistant, Mrs. Wojcik. Graduation gown requirement letter found here. Please bring the dress to the Advancement Office or send a picture of the front and back of the dress, or a picture of you wearing the dress to or


The Mercy Class of 2025 is invited to come together one last night to celebrate their time at Mercy High School! The Senior All Night Party is hosted on the evening of graduation and is a fun way for the girls to reminisce on high school memories and shared sisterhood. Seniors will enjoy a night full of food, games, music, spa treatments, photobooth, entertainers, raffles and much more!

Sunday, June 1, 2025 
Mercy High School 
10:00pm - 5:00am (All students must enter by 11:00pm and cannot leave until 5:00am)

Visit for consent forms, volunteer opportunities, sponsorships and grad keepsake gifts.


August 21: Senior Blessing Mass

  • Wear cap, gown and medallion

  • 8:40am Mercy Auditorium

  • Parents/Guardians welcome to attend

October 4: Senior Tailgate 7:00am-7:45am

October 25: Senior Photo Yearbook Deadline for Prestige Portrait

November : Diploma Names Due

December 1: Yearbook Congratulatory Ads Due

January 31: Senior Class Alumnae Breakfast

March 1: Service Hours and Reflection Paper

April: End of Year Promise Due: An agreement that you will represent Mercy well in all of the end of year activities, including but not limited to, prom, Moving Up & graduation. If you do not submit the promise, you cannot participate in end of the year activities.

May 1: Graduation Gown Approval Deadline

May 5: Senior Survey Deadline

May 15: Senior Prom

Roostertail (100 Marquette Dr, Detroit, MI 48214)
Arrival: 7:00pm - 7:45pm (Students must arrive by 7:45pm)
End Time: 11:00pm
  • Advanced ticket purchase required for entry. If you have not met school obligations, the Business Office may hold your tickets until fulfillment.

  • Student transportation needs to be planned accordingly.

  • When students enter, they will be greeted by members of Administration, so please be prepared for formal introductions.

  • A completed End of the Year Promise is required to attend.

  • Roostertail Dress Code

May 18-20: Senior Final Exams

May 20: Baccalaureate Mass & Reception

Mercy HS Auditorium

Arrival: 5:30pm

Mass: 6:00pm

  • Family members are invited and welcome to attend.

  • Graduates are to wear their cap and gown along with proper dress-up attire.

  • Following Mass, the Senior Class will process to the courtyard and place a rose on the altar of Our Lady of Mercy. This procession, which began at the original high school campus in Detroit, is a long standing, solemn, and beautiful tradition in Mercy's history.

  • Closing remarks will be shared by Senior Class Officers, Sr. Emily George Award winner, and Heart of Mercy recipient.

  • Reception for families in the Gym to follow the celebration with light appetizers.

May 22: Mercy Celebration Day - Honors Convocation & Moving Up

  • All Seniors are expected to be in attendance for the full day for Adviser Parties, Honors Convocation and Moving Up. Students will wear their caps and gowns and should sign-in with their Adviser by 8:00am. If your daughter is absent from the Honors Convocation, she will not be allowed to participate in the Moving Up Ceremony. We would like to invite Senior Parents/Guardians to join us for the Honors Convocation at 8:45am.

May 29: Mandatory Graduation Practice

Detroit Opera House (1526 Broadway St, Detroit 48226)
Arrival: 9:45am
  • Graduation practice is mandatory. If a student is not present, they will not be allowed to participate in the Graduation ceremony.

  • Parking is located at the Detroit Opera House Parking Center at 1426 Broadway Street and Graduates should enter the garage at the John R Gate. Mercy will pay for the parking and Graduates must take a ticket and leave it in their car when they enter to receive validation.

  • When you arrive, enter through the Cadillac Cafe where your moderators will meet you and guide you backstage. It is located on the Madison side of the building.

  • Graduates are asked to please dress appropriately and bring the dress shoes to be worn at Graduation.

  • To avoid conflicts, please do not make appointments until after 1pm. We may run over the scheduled time, and all Graduates must stay until practice is completed.

  • All Graduation gowns must be approved by rehearsal in order to participate in the Graduation ceremony. If you haven't already done so, you will be contacted to please bring the dress to the Advancement Office or send a picture of the front and back of the dress, or a picture of you wearing the dress to or

June 1: Graduation Ceremony

Detroit Opera House (1526 Broadway St, Detroit 48226)
Graduate Arrival: 1:00pm (Stage Doors off Madison)
Guest Arrival: 1:30pm
Ceremony: 2:00pm
  • Graduates are asked to please check their Mercy email for last minute updates and instructions.
  • We kindly ask you allow extra time for travel, traffic and arrival downtown. The Detroit Opera House Parking Center (1426 Broadway Street) designated for Mercy and guests should use the John R Gate Entrance. Please note there is a parking fee per vehicle and payable by credit card only.
  • A ticket is required for entry at the Graduation Ceremony and each graduate receives eight tickets.
  • Graduates must be at the venue by 1:00pm and will enter through the stage/security doors off Madison. Doors on either side of the Detroit Opera House will be open at 1:30pm for family and guests to enter the building. Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • You will find the graduate seating chart in order for you to best plan your seating choice and meeting location following the ceremony.
  • To preserve the dignity of the event and due to the lack of security backstage, Graduates should please leave their cell phones and personal belongings with a family member. 
  • The ceremony will be recorded and live-streamed. Each Graduate will receive an individual Vimeo link to download and save the ceremony recording.
  • Special Reminder: Please note we respectfully request your assistance to ensure the dignity of our ceremony. Each Graduate will have a final reflection read aloud upon receiving her diploma. In order to give every outstanding Graduate the respect deserved, we kindly request all applause be held until the end of the ceremony and guests refrain from cheering or making other noise while Graduates cross the stage. Thank you for your part in making this celebration special and beautiful for our Graduates!

Senior All Night Party


All graduating Seniors need to complete, sign and submit the following medical and consent forms to the Mercy Reception Area by May 16, 2025 in order to attend the SANP.


We need many hands to make this evening enjoyable and safe for our girls!  Shifts begin with decorating, setup, and food pickup on Saturday, May 31. Parents of underclassmen are especially needed on the day of the event so that Senior parents can enjoy graduation. Many volunteers are needed at each station throughout the night and to help cleanup.  


We have some great activities planned for our Seniors and in order to make it a memorable night - we need your support! The graduation fee does not cover the full cost of the SANP, so we welcome your participation as a Sponsor at any level. Donations in any amount are accepted and greatly appreciated. Sponsors and donors will be recognized on Mercy website, socials and posters at the SANP.


Commemorate your daughter’s past four years as she graduates from Mercy with some special keepsake gifts! Proceeds from the sale of these items directly help fund the Senior-All Night Party for the Class of 2025. Limited quantities available. Please order by Thursday, May 1. Items will be available for pick-up at the Baccalaureate Mass.

Mercy Lawn Signs - These personalized lawn signs read “Mercy Graduate 2025” along with your Senior’s Name

Pearl Bracelet and Earrings - A beautiful pearl bracelet and earring set that matches the pearl necklace that is given to each Graduate (Shhh…It’s  a secret for your Senior!!) from the school.  

Mercy Marlin Cut-Out - A 22” wooden cut-out of Mercy’s Marlin on a stand that can be used to decorate with pictures, awards, high school memories and showcased at your Graduation Party!


Reach out to with any SANP questions.


Extra Graduation Ticket Request Form

End of Year Promise

Graduation Gown Approval

In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, every student must have her white graduation gown approved by Dr. Kreger or her assistant, Mrs. Wojcik. Graduation gown requirement letter found here. Please bring the dress to the Advancement Office or send a picture of the front and back of the dress, or a picture of you wearing the dress to or

Adopt a Seat

Leave a legacy for your graduate! For a minimum contribution of $200, you can Adopt a Seat in your graduate’s honor in Mercy's Auditorium. For further info or to Adopt a Seat, click here or contact the Advancement Office at

Party Hands Flyer

Two marvelous Mercy Cafe Staff are available for your graduation party needs.


2025 Class Officer Board: Owynn Evans; Bradleigh Hill; Jenna Matigian; Sydney Meyer; Reese Sinawi

Senior Moderators Gretchen Faunce and Brandi Lavely:

Dean of Student Affairs Eleasha Tarplin:

Associate Principal Colleen McMaster: