Congratulations on your graduation from Mercy High School! We are extremely proud of you for all you have accomplished. The graduation ceremony was a joyous event during which each of you were poised and beautiful. The graduation ceremony is being shared via Vimeo which will allow you and your family to view the video on any device and download it to make a copy on any format you would like for your own personal use. To view and obtain your copy, please reference email sent to Class of 2021 families with your personal download access information. Each family has a unique code so please only use your assigned code.
Lifetouch Special Events Photography took professional diploma photos of all graduates during commencement. Click here for informational flyer and click here to order online at events.lifetouch.com. Please note you may need to provide an email address for access to view and order photos.
Please be aware that on August 1, 2021 your Mercy Google account will be deactivated. This means all email and any files you have uploaded to your Mercy Google drive will no longer be accessible. If you wish to transfer any of your content here is a link to Google Takeout which will allow you to download a copy of most of your content and upload it to a personal Google account.If you have created any accounts on other sites or cloud based services (Dropbox, Box, Apple, etc.) using your Mercy email address you will have to change those accounts to use a personal email address instead before August 1st. Contact I.T. Department at tfjames@mhsmi.org for further questions.
Monday, June 7
Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre at Chene Park
(2600 Atwater St, Detroit, MI 48207)
Graduate Arrival: 2:00pm at West Gate
Guest Arrival: 2:30pm at Main Gate
Ceremony: 3:00pm
Dear Mercy Class of 2021 Families,
Congratulations on the many accomplishments of your Mercy Class of 2021 daughter! We look forward to celebrating graduation with you on June 7. In order to provide an enjoyable experience for all, please be aware of the following guidelines and reminders for the graduation ceremony.
- Parking will be available via the gravel lot across the street and will be $10 per car payable in cash only.
- All graduates must arrive via the west gate by 2:00pm and will meet the senior moderators in the staging area behind the stage. Follow the path down toward the West aisle to go to the staging area to pick up roses and line-up.
- Each graduate is allowed an unlimited number of guests. There will be no tickets. All guests must check-in with their graduate’s name upon entry.
- The main entrance gate for guests will open at 2:30pm and seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. There are limited handicapped seats available along the first level main concourse.
- Ceremony begins at 3:00pm and is also available to watch via livestream online here.
- Please make note of where your daughter is sitting by referring to the graduate seating chart.
There will be plenty of walking - down to the stage, across the stage, up a series of steps to leave, so please plan your dress shoes appropriately.
- Due to the lack of security backstage and to preserve the dignity of the event, graduates should please leave their cell phones, purses, personal belongings, etc., with a family member.
- The venue is currently advising anyone not fully vaccinated to wear a mask.
Additionally, we respectfully request your assistance to ensure the dignity of our ceremony. Each graduate will have a final reflection read aloud upon receiving her diploma. In order to give every outstanding young woman the respect deserved, we kindly request all applause be held until the end of the ceremony and guests refrain from cheering while graduates cross the stage.
Thank you for your part in making this celebration special and beautiful for our graduates! If you have any additional questions, please email seniormoderator@mhsmi.org.
With many prayers for your daughter's continued success,
Senior Class Moderators
Mercy Administrative Team
End of the Year Promise
All Seniors were required to complete this mandatory form, which is available on Schoology and to be submitted on Schoology.
Graduate Yard Sign
The complimentary Mercy Graduate congratulatory yard signs were distributed on 5/11. If you didn't receive one, they will continue to be available from Ms. McMaster's office. Additional signs are $10. Please contact cmcmaster@mhsmi.org.
Surprise Gift
Each Graduate will receive a pearl necklace and pearl earrings as a gift from the school. Pearls will be distributed at Graduation practice to be worn with their white dresses on Graduation day.
Commemorative Class Memory DVD
DVD's will be distributed at Graduation practice.
Graduation Gown Approval By June 1
In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, every student must have her white graduation gown approved by Dr. Kreger or her assistant, Mrs. Wojcik. Graduation gown requirement letter found here. If you haven't already done so, please send a picture of the front and back of the dress, or a picture of you wearing the dress to cdkreger@mhsmi.org or mmwojcik@mhsmi.org.
Instagram Senior Feature
Don't miss out - DM your info to be featured! Be sure to follow @mercyclassof.2021 on Instagram to see where some Seniors are headed to college next year. Thanks to Student Government and Senior Class Officers for managing this account.
Facebook Profile Frame
Spread some Mercy spirit and show your love for your Class of 2021 Marlin with a custom Mercy Facebook profile frame! Simply edit your profile pic, tap add frame, search frames "Mercy High School Michigan."
Adopt a Seat
Leave a legacy for your daughter! For a minimum contribution of $200, you can Adopt a Seat in her honor in Mercy's Auditorium. For further info or to Adopt a Seat, click here or contact Erin Somerville in the Advancement Office at esomerville@mhsmi.org.
Mercy Google Account
Please be aware that on August 1, 2021 your Mercy Google account will be deactivated. This means all email and any files you have uploaded to your Mercy Google drive will no longer be accessible. If you wish to transfer any of your content here is a link to Google Takeout which will allow you to download a copy of most of your content and upload it to a personal Google account.If you have created any accounts on other sites or cloud based services (Dropbox, Box, Apple, etc.) using your Mercy email address you will have to change those accounts to use a personal email address instead before August 1st. Contact I.T. Department at tfjames@mhsmi.org for further questions.
Tuesday, June 1
Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre at Chene Park (2600 Atwater St, Detroit, MI 48207)
Arrival: 1:15pm
Event Info:
The practice is mandatory for all Seniors in order to participate in the ceremony.
Parking available at the gravel lot at Atwater and DuBois. You will enter the West entrance located directly at the corner.
You must bring the shoes you are wearing for graduation also so you can practice walking the stage in them.
All graduation dresses must be approved before rehearsal.
Please note that The Aretha Franklin Amphitheater must comply with any COVID-19 mandates from the State of Michigan.
No food or drink allowed.
No cell phones present during Graduation practice.
Seat location will be shared via Google sheet and upon arrival, name place cards will be with your seat.
Tuesday, June 1
St. Scholastica (8201 Outer Dr W, Detroit, MI 48219)
Arrival: 5:30pm
Mass: 6:00pm
Join us via Livestream!
Password: MercyHighMass2021
Event Info:
- At this current time, each Graduate is allowed up to four guests.
- Graduates are to wear their cap and gown along with proper dress-up attire.
- There will be a procession where graduates will present a rose to Mary. This is a tradition dating back to when Mercy was at the former campus in Detroit.
- Speeches including: Senior Farewell; Heart of Mercy Honoree and Sr. Emily George Honoree.
Wednesday, June 2
Roostertail (100 Marquette Dr, Detroit, MI 48214)
Arrival: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
Dinner: 7:45pm
End Time: 11:00pm (No departure prior to 10:00pm)
Event info:
Advanced ticket purchase required for entry.
Attendees will be required to wear masks at all times unless seated and actively eating or drinking, per the Roostertail’s policy.
Dancing IS allowed with those at your same table.
When you enter, you will be greeted by members of Administration so please be prepared to introduce yourself and your date.
Completed End of the Year Promise required to attend.
If you have not met other school obligations (Tuition, Maroon & Gold Raffle, etc...), the Business Office may hold your tickets until fulfillment.
2021 Class Officer Board: Julia Bishop; Madeline Kenney; Olive Rentz; Rachael Salah; Natalia Sultana
Senior Moderators Angela Harris-Schultheis and Christa Polan: seniormoderator@mhsmi.org
Dean of Student Affairs Eleasha Tarplin: edtarplin@mhsmi.org
Associate Principal: cmcmaster@mhsmi.org