Jeux Olympiques 2024 Chez Mercy
All French students of Madame Campbell and Madame Shea enthusiastically participated in “Les Jeux Olympiques” during their French classes last Friday, “le 20 septembre” on a beautiful late summer day on the Mercy softball diamond and surrounding grounds. They had their very own torch lighting ceremony complete with candle, torch and of course the French national anthem, La Marseillaise. The students competed against each other playing four games: petanque,(with real equipment from France) jeter la fève, badminton, escargot race and the very popular, La Course aux Serveuses (The Waiters Race). Students had fun engaging in these games while learning the French history and culture of each sport. There was a medal ceremony at the end of each class with many winners! The day was hosted by the French Honor Society and the officers, Emma O’Donnell, London Smith, Marie Schueneman and Mila Mendoza were the amazing coaches of the day, organizing the games and timing the events for the French students. Madame Campbell was the greatest cheerleader for all students! “Allez les Bleus!”