Quiz Bowl Headed to Nationals
On Saturday, January 29, Mercy Quiz Bowl competed in the Heartland Catholic Scholar Bowl over Zoom. The team of captain Caitlyn Begosa '22, Natasha Bouras '22, and Carson Kecskes '24 finished with an impressive 6-2 overall record and a 2nd place finish overall. This qualifies Mercy Quiz Bowl for the NAQT High School National Championship Tournament, which will be held in Atlanta, GA over Memorial Day Weekend. You can view tournament results here.
A special congratulations to captain Caitlyn Begosa '22, who finished 1st place individually in the tournament with an impressive 695 points scored. Caitlyn dominated the field, scoring more than 100 points ahead of the second place finisher. Caitlyn will head to the Individual Player National Championship Tournament in Chicago, IL on April 3.