Quiz Bowl Nationals 2021
Over Memorial Day weekend, Mercy Quiz Bowl competed in the NAQT High School National Championship Tournament. Only the top 15% of teams are invited to this tournament, and Mercy was one of 10 Michigan schools that qualified.
Mercy first qualified for the HSNCT in 2020, but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. The team worked very hard to qualify again, and so 2021 was the first year Mercy was able to compete in this tournament.
The 2021 HSNCT tournament preliminaries were held all day Saturday, and players were chosen based on lifetime tournament attendance, awards received, and the quality of playing. After tough competition against the highest-ranked teams in the nation, Mercy finished 2-6 overall. On Sunday morning, Mercy competed in consolidation rounds and ended with a 2-1 consolation record.
Special congratulations to captain Caitlyn Begosa '22, who placed 77th individually in a field of 1,070 competitors. You can view Saturday's statistics here.
After the tournament, members from Mercy's team were interviewed live on the HSNCT Overview program. You can watch the 7 minute interview here.
Congratulations to the team and coach Mrs. Lauren Marquard on an outstanding season! Pictured are Christina Wollenhaupt '21, captain Caitlyn Begosa '22, Caitlin Condon '23, and Jill Grubb '21