Ford Steam iExplore Lab
Mercy partnered with Ford to offer a Ford STEAM Lab for our 9th grade iExplore classes. Students were charged with designing wearable technology for a target user. They each took on leadership roles within their groups such as CEO, marketing manager, event planner, build mechanic and design engineer. Groups then pitched their prototype to judges from Ford.
We thank Ford for the opportunity for our Mercy students to interact and learn from women working in the Engineering field. Special shout out to Mercy alumna and recently retired Ford Engineer Susan Winkler Rokosz '75 for initiating this outstanding program! We look forward to offering a similar experience next school year.
Congrats to these three winning groups!
B.E.L.T.: designed an earpiece to help with everyday tasks
Rainbow Electronics: came up with a "Feels Backpack" for students
LASAR: designed a comfortable high heel with heat and cooling features