Congratulations to Carrington Wash '24 and Mya Williams '21 who were selected as the winners of the Mercy HS 1st Annual MLK Jr. Writing Contest!
There were 16 total submissions, judged by Mercy Alumnae from CORE, the Council on Racial Equity. Students were asked to respond to the essential question, "Where do you stand in times of challenge and controversy?" This question was inspired by MESA's social media post of Dr. King's words on MLK Day, "The ultimate measure of a [person] is not where [they] stand in moments of comfort and convenience but where [they] stand at times of challenge and controversy. " Each entry could be a max of 700 words and was judged on clarity, creativity, and originality.
Their award-winning essays are now published on the Sisters of Mercy blog and featured in the Sisters of Mercy and MESA Newsletters! Read their inspiring words and comment of thanks and hope here:
Carrington Wash is the 9/10 grade winner and received a $200 prize. Carrington Wash Essay found here on the Sisters of Mercy Blog Post "Standing on God’s Promises: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy and Hope for the Future."

Mya Williams is the 11/12 grade winner and received a $200 prize. Mya Williams Essay found here on the Sisters of Mercy Blog Post "Speaking Up and Standing Up in Times of Challenge."