AP Course Info Meetings for 2024-25
All students received the following information in regard to AP Course Info Meetings which began this week.
The meetings are designed to provide details about the rigor of the course, time management, coursework recommendations, the structure of the course and exam as well as tips/tricks to be successful. The instructor for the course will also be present to answer any questions. Please attend a meeting for a course you plan to or are considering registering for next school year. Sessions are during Adviser Group and are offered on one or two different days, should you be considering multiple AP courses. To be scheduled into an AP Course next year you must attend the informational session. Email cmcmaster@mhsmi.org with any questions.
February 26: African American Studies; Government; US History; World History; Computer Science Principles
February 27: Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Environmental Science; English Language & Composition
February 28: African American Studies; Government; US History; World History; Psychology
February 29: Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Environmental Science; English Literature & Composition
March 1: English Literature & Composition; English Language & Composition; Art; Psychology ; Computer Science Advanced