Tri-M Music Honor Society presents: Christmas Poinsettia Sale
It is legend that a poor girl named Maria desired to offer a gift to Christ in her church on Christmas Eve. Maria, with no means to purchase an item, could only present a handful of weeds she gathered from the side of the road. Maria was embarrassed to offer such a poor gift, but a voice from above explained the baby Jesus would love any gift if it came from the heart, since love is what makes a gift special. When Maria stepped up to the altar to offer her gift to Christ, the meager weeds miraculously transformed into beautiful, vibrant poinsettias.
Please support Tri-M and purchase your beautiful Christmas flower in shades of red, white, or pink for $18 each.
Red symbolizes the blood of Christ.
White symbolizes purity.
Pink symbolizes love and success.
Pick up December 14 following the Christmas Concert.
Orders due December 2nd!
Thank you and Merry Christmas!