Mercy High School will institute E-LEARNING Days, a designated home-based online learning model, due to any reason the school facility may be unavailable for attendance. Mercy E-LEARNING Days benefit our students by providing an opportunity to continue learning without schedule disruption. 

  • Students and teachers will participate in mandatory classes remotely, and need to be prepared for online interaction during the scheduled start time of each class. This is to support the opportunity for interactive lessons, and to be sure teachers are available to students during scheduled class time.
  • Online lessons may consist of direct instruction (interactive, live lessons delivered through online streaming tools) or indirect instruction (takes the form of learning plans that are shared out by the beginning of the class period).
  • Teachers will post all assigned work and activities with clearly defined deadlines via Schoology by the end of the scheduled daily class time of the designated E-LEARNING Day.
  • Students are responsible for checking both Schoology and their school email accounts daily to view assigned activities and class communications from both teachers, advisors and the Mercy administration.
  • Students are responsible for having all textbooks/resources at home with them when there is warning of a designated E-LEARNING Day.
  • Teachers will check email regularly throughout the day in support of students. 
  • Students are responsible for completing all assigned activities within the teacher-specified timeframe.
  • Uncompleted assignments/activities will be considered missing work. Late work for unexcused class participation may not be accepted, according to individual teacher policy.
  • If a student is sick or unable to participate in assigned E-LEARNING Day classes, a parent is required to contact the Attendance Office by 9:00am of the E-LEARNING Day. The student should work with the teacher to determine any alternative due dates, and is responsible for completing all E-LEARNING Day activities once they are well. Students should reach out to their teachers to determine alternate assignment due dates.

  • E-Counseling Practices for 2020-21 can be found here.


Mercy’s E-LEARNING Schedule for the 2020-21 school year was revised and approved by Curriculum Council on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. This schedule was created in consideration of enhanced online teaching and delivery skills, learned tools and the increased comfort level with E-LEARNING that our teachers have developed since last spring.

Our students also have become better acclimated to learning remotely through a full day schedule given our current synchronous hybrid model. Furthermore, more curriculum content can be supported with a full four-day instructional week. Please note going forward that this E-LEARNING schedule will also be used anytime we are forced to return to remote only instruction due to a rise in COVID-19 risk within our school. 


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

*Note change from Wednesday Flex Day to Monday Work Day*

The E-LEARNING remote days (Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri) class schedule mimics our hybrid daily class schedule and allows for 45 minutes of instruction, 10 minute breaks between classes and a 20-minute lunch. Adviser Groups will meet during lunch one day per week.


Monday’s schedule will be different from the Flex Day schedule used during hybrid learning. There will be no instruction on Mondays (except for AP classes). Instead the day is similar to unscheduled hours and is devoted to:

  • Teacher planning
  • Teacher office hours - Required two hour blocks of time posted on Schoology
  • Student homework and study day
  • AP classes may opt to meet on Mondays - See schedule below
  • Common time for professional learning, department, and staff meetings as needed

Rationale for 4 full-day instructional week:

  • Accommodates teacher prep time to develop online only instruction
  • Provides extra time to focus on studies and online lessons to better support students
  • Alleviates five days of all day online instruction which is exhausting to teachers and students
  • Designates a work day to allow students the opportunity to get additional teacher support

Rationale for Monday as planning/work day during remote only:

  • Allows teachers time to plan for the week ahead
  • Assists in student focus and support for any questions about the upcoming week
  • Gives students study time for tests scheduled for the upcoming week
  • Maintains flow and continuity of learning since no in-person instruction


In order for AP students to be prepared for AP tests in the spring, AP classes may meet on Mondays at the teacher's discretion using the following schedule:

8:30am - 9:15am: Computer Science Principles; World History

9:20am - 10:05am: English; Calculus

10:10am - 10:55am: Biology; Computer Science A

11:00am - 11:45am: Chemistry; French; Latin; Spanish

11:50am - 12:35pm: Government; American History

12:40pm - 1:25pm: Physics

We remain committed to providing the excellence of a Mercy education to all of our students through our current learning models and we thank you for your continued support!


During Mercy E-LEARNING Days, the Mercy Counseling Department will be available to support the emotional & academic needs of our students via Virtual Counseling sessions. To best address the concerns and expectations of our school community, click here for guide which will clearly outline the E-LEARNING Days Virtual Counseling practices and procedures being implemented by the Mercy Counseling Department.



Attendance Office: attendance@mhsmi.org or 248-248-476-2222

Technical Issues: helpdesk@mhsmi.org